Preparasi Lempung Merauke Melalui Aktivasi Secara Fisis dan Pemanfaatannya sebagai Adsorben Minyak Kelapa pada Berbagai Lama Penyimpanan


  • Ilham Salim Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Cenderawasih University, Papua, Indonesia Jl. Kamp Wolker Kampus Baru Waena, Jayapura, Papua



Research had been carried out on the preparation of Merauke clay through physical activation and its used as an adsorbent of coconut oil and its characteristics at various storage times. The preparation of ponds was carried out through physical activation, which was heating in the kiln at 300 C for 6 hours. Determination of clay mineral types using XRD. Comparison of coconut oil and clay were 100:

5 (in grams). Determination of water content  and  peroxide  number  were  used  gravimetric  method. The results of the study show Merauke Regency recontained clay. For the Kamundu sub- district area with the three largest most sequences were Quartz, Albite and Nordstrandite. The Sota sub-district sub-district area, the three largest sequences were the same as the Kamundu sub-district area. For Nassem sub-district area, the three largest sequences were Quartz, Albite and Saponite. The clay in Merauke was dominated by the type of Quartz followed by Albite. Water levels and peroxide numbers increase after a few hours of storage. Approximately a month of coconut  oil storage which was not passed by clay or adsorbed with clay had been damaged or rancid.Coconut oil that was passed / absorbed using clay through physical activation was obtained that up to 5 months storage had not been rancid or had not been damaged, this was indicated by observing the value of the peroxid number which was very less than 3 mg oxygen/100 grams of oil.

Keywords: Clay, activation, physical, adsorption, rancid


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Author Biography

Ilham Salim, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Cenderawasih University, Papua, Indonesia Jl. Kamp Wolker Kampus Baru Waena, Jayapura, Papua

Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Universitas Cenderawasih


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