Analisis Pengaruh Intellectual Capital Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Universitas Cenderawasih


  • Helisa Hadmi
  • Syaikhul Fallah
  • Anthonius Wijaya






The purpose of this study is to prove empirically the influence of Intellectual Capital on the performance of Cenderawasih University employees. The method used is quantitative research with questionnaire research instrument (google form) which is distributed to all employees of Cenderawasih University with snowball sampling techniques and interviews with stratified random sampling techniques. The results of this study obtained that the Intellectual Capital component at Cenderawasih University is human capital has a positive effect on the performance of Cenderawasih University employees while the structural and relational capital components have no effect on the performance of Cenderawasih University employees.


Keywords: Human Capital, Intellecual Capital, Structural Capital.



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