The Community Engagement Journal: The Commen <span>The Community Engagement Journal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Akuntansi merupakan wadah yang penting untuk diseminasi hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.</span> UNIVERSITAS CENDERAWASIH en-US The Community Engagement Journal: The Commen 2621-6817 Pengelolaan Keuangan Keluarga Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Literasi Keuangan Pada Kelompok Tani Di Koya Timur <p>The link between financial literacy and public access to financial institutions proves that financial literacy has a very important role for society to lead to financial prosperity. In addition, financial literacy makes it easier for individuals and businesses to manage their finances. East Koya is one of the very fertile agricultural areas with producing plantations and also chicken and cattle farms. Much of the income from these farmers has not been used properly and there is a lack of understanding of the farmers in managing existing family finances. The method of training in family financial management in order to increase financial literacy used includes various lectures as an introduction to understanding the principles of financial literacy, especially family finance in improving family businesses. To ensure participants can understand the learning outcomes, at the end of this training a simple survey to test the level of knowledge, attitudes and behavior in managing family finances. The conclusion that can be drawn in managing family finances in order to increase financial literacy in farmer groups in East Koya is that this training can provide increased understanding or level of financial literacy to families in planning and managing their finances properly.</p> <p>Keywords: <em>Family Finances, Financial Literacy, Farmer Groups</em></p> Westim Ratang Klara Wonar Delima Tamba Copyright (c) 2023 The Community Engagement Journal: The Commen 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 6 2 Pelatihan Penyusunan Anggaran Kampung Bagi Aparatur Kantor Pemerintahan Kampung Asei Kecil Di Kabupaten Jayapura <p>Every development in the village/village requires a lot of money. According to Law No. 6 of 2014, village funds are funds sourced from the Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) intended for villages that are transferred through the district/city Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) and used to finance governance, implementation, development, community development, and community empowerment. According to Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), corruption cases in the village budget sector were the most cases, there were 46 corruption cases in the village budget sector out of 271 corruption cases in 2019. Village budget corruption was recorded to give state losses of up to Rp. 32.3 billion. Village’s Revenue and Expenditure Budget is an annual financial plan of the village government approved by the Village Consultative Body (Bamuskam). Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APB Kampung) consist of Village Revenue, Village Expenditure, and Village Financing which are presented in accordance with the Village APB format in accordance with Permendagri 113 of 2014. Village Budgeting Training for the Apparatus of the Asei Kecil Village Government Office in Jayapura Regency uses an experimental method using a practical method of identifying and compiling a village budget and a direct confirmation method in the form of simple questions related to the importance of village financial management in encouraging the welfare of the village community.</p> <p>Keywords: <em>Village’s Revenue and Expenditure Budget, The welfare of the village community</em></p> Meinarni Asnawi Pascalina V.S. Sesa Ramasoyan Arung Lamba Copyright (c) 2023 The Community Engagement Journal: The Commen 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 6 2 Peningkatan Peran Relawan Pajak Dalam Upaya Asistensi Pelaporan SPT Tahunan Di KPP Pratama Blora <p>According to Article 1 number 9 PER-12/PJ/2021, tax volunteers are individuals who voluntarily allocate their time, energy, knowledge, and expertise to actively participate in tax education activities. The program aims to provide tax education and assistance through collaboration with partner organizations or tax centers, involving both students and non-students. These volunteers engage in community service by offering services, education, and raising awareness about taxation to taxpayers visiting KPP Pratama Blora and the general public. They utilize modern information technology, specifically in the Efiling and e-SPT menus, to assist individual taxpayers who earn income from employers or independent work. The primary goal is to educate taxpayers so that they can file their Annual SPT conveniently from home in the subsequent year, eliminating the need to visit KPP Pratama Blora.</p> <p>Keywords: <em>Education, Tax, Service, Volunteers</em></p> Warno Siti Kharirotul Mufidah Mega Agustina Anggita Rachma Ashari Eva Noviana Nisa Fatma Rosida Rafika Az Zahra Sinta Nur Cahyani Kholifatun Masyruroh Copyright (c) 2023 The Community Engagement Journal: The Commen 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 6 2 Pengenalan Konsep Keuangan Sederhana Pada Usaha Mikro Informal Noken Di Distrik Abepura <p>This activity service focuses on Jayapura City, especially Abepura District with the purpose of providing an introduction to simple financial concepts for Noken entrepreneurs in Abepura District. This activity aimed at native Papuan women entrepreneurs who sell noken, one of Papua's traditional crafts, made from plants, taken from tree bark and woven into bags that are used as places to store goods. There are 10 womens (Papuan mothers) that became seller in Abepura District were given training through the interview method regarding the initial understanding of noken sellers, the obstacles they face if any, then continued with an introduction to simple financial concepts related to the business they’ve run. The output of this service activity is to provide an introduction to simple financial concepts so as to increase understanding regarding financial management for informal noken micro businesses in Abepura District. Furthermore, it is hoped in the future they will be able to record and manage their own finances in more detail and orderly.</p> <p><br>Keywords: <em>Financial, Micro Informal, Noken</em></p> Ulfah Rizky Muslimin Elia Madatu Tandililing Copyright (c) 2023 The Community Engagement Journal: The Commen 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 6 2 Edukasi Cakap Finansial Sejak Dini Guna Mengantisipasi Tantangan Generasi Sandwich Pada Zaman Modern <p>This service activity aims to provide financial literacy educational training from an early age to anticipate the challenges of the sandwich generation in the modern era. The activity is carried out with the aim of carrying out community service activities that are able to explain the sandwich generation phenomenon and its impacts, help the public understand financial management and planning by studying knowledge and applying it by saving and investing, and become an alternative in overcoming problems in the sandwich generation. Service activities are carried out for the young generation of STT Baptist Papua for 1 day, with predetermined criteria or considerations. The material discussed is Personal Financial Management and Planning to make it better.</p> <p>Keywords: <em>Training, Education, Management, Finance, Sandwich Generation</em></p> Hendrik B. Bleskadit Novalia Herlina Bleskadit Copyright (c) 2023 The Community Engagement Journal: The Commen 2023-11-25 2023-11-25 6 2