Jurnal ELIPS (Ekonomi, Lingkungan, Infrastruktur, Pengembangan Wilayah, dan Sosial Budaya) 2024-07-10T05:05:42+00:00 Harmonis Rante Open Journal Systems ELIPS (Ekonomi,Lingkungan,Infrastruktur,Pengembangan Wilayah dan Sosial Budaya): Jurnal ELIPS Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Jayapura-Papua. Jurnal disusun mengacu pada visi, misi, tujuan, dan sasaran Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota. Awalnya tahun 2018 Program Studi Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota telah mengelola jurnal ELIPS, tetapi hanya sebata jurnal cetak. Pada tahun 2018, 4 artikel jurnal tersebut dionlinekan pada laman website Untuk itu pembuatan Jurnal Baru ini untuk dapat menjadi Jurnal Online yang berbasis pada OJS (Online Journal System) yang terakomodasi dalam E-Journal Universitas Cenderawasih. Prodi MPWK memilih membuat jurnal baru untuk melanjutkan jurnal yang lama (ELIPS). Dengan adanya jurnal baru ini diharapkan bisa konsisten dan secara berkelanjutan menerbitkan hasil-hasil penelitian Pengembangan Wilayah berwawasan Ekonomi, Lingkungan,Infrastruktur, dan Sosial Budaya di Papua. Kiranya, Diharapkan dengan adanya Jurnal ELIPS, dapat menjadi wadah dan media publikasi hasil-hasil penelitian, terutama bagi para akademisi, peneliti, praktisi, aktivis, dan mahasiswa. Penerbitan jurnal ini sebagai upaya untuk menyajikan hasil publikasi penelitian yang berkontribusi dalam pengembangan wilayah dan kota masyarakat Papua. KAJIAN INFRASTRUKTUR DAN PEMELIHARAAN TERMINAL YOUTEFA, KOTA JAYAPURA 2024-07-10T05:05:30+00:00 George Maay Harmonis Rante Dewi Ana Rusim <p><em>Transportation is a derivative need that arises due to demand for commodities that differ from one region to another. Transportation is formed by several components including infrastructure and people. Therefore, at travel meeting points between one region and another, a place that can guarantee smooth transfers, namely the terminal, is needed. Youtefa Terminal is one of the terminals in Jayapura City. The location of the Youtefa Terminal is integrated with the Youtefa Market so that the existence of the Youtefa Terminal is very important for the community. The research location is Youtefa Terminal. The analytical method used is a qualitative method. The results showed that the existing infrastructure at Youtefa Terminal, such as the parking area, passenger waiting room and terminal office, was in very poor condition. So in order to optimize the condition of the Youtefa Terminal, it is necessary to develop a Service Strategy and Infrastructure Maintenance in the Youtefa Terminal.</em></p> 2023-10-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRATEGI KETERSEDIAAN INFRASTRUKTUR PERMUKIMAN DI DISTRIK TAMI, KOTA JAYAPURA 2024-07-10T05:05:07+00:00 Beni D. J. Matulessy Dewi Ana Rusim Janviter Manalu <p><em>Due to the functioning of the Youtefa Bridge has had an impact on regional development in the Muara Tami District. This area was once a transmigration area which was transformed into a residential and trade area. This research aims to identify and analyze the current growth of settlements in the Muara Tami District, the availability of residential infrastructure and develop strategies for improving existing infrastructure. Data collection was carried out by observation and interviews, then analyzed qualitatively. The research results show that Residential growth in Muara Tami District area is currently very rapid, marked by the growth of new housing, commercial buildings and many land conversions occurring, namely from agricultural land to land for settlement in the form of housing and plots of land. The growth of settlements in Muara Tami District area has not been fully supported by the availability of adequate residential infrastructure.Public infrastructure is basically provided by the government, including roads, drainage, electricity and on-site Waste water treatment plant systems. However, everything is not in the best condition according to standards because it has not been upgraded and there is a lack of maintenance. Clean water and drinking water infrastructure is basically not yet available, so people still rely on drilled wells, dug wells, bottled water and refillable clean water supplies. There is no green open space specifically in the form of a playground (play ground). It is necessary to develop strategies for improving and maintaining existing but not yet optimal infrastructure, including road infrastructure, sanitation and drainage, waste management and housing. Meanwhile, efforts must be made to develop infrastructure that does not yet exist, such as green open space (play ground) and clean water/drinking water.</em></p> 2023-10-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 PENGARUH PEMBANGUNAN INFRASTRUKTUR RUMAH RAKYAT TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT DI DISTRIK PANTAI TIMUR BARAT KABUPATEN SARMI 2024-07-10T05:05:42+00:00 Pieter Marvin Yong Harmonis Rante Dewi Ana Rusim <p><em>The People's Home Infrastructure Development Program in Sarmi Regency began to be planned and carried out faster development penetration since Sarmi Regency was separated from the main Regency, namely Jayapura Regency in 2022 with the passing of Law Number: 26 of 2002. This research in the West East Coast District aims to know about the above and also know what obstacles occur in the field if the beneficiaries of the construction of people's housing infrastructure after receiving development assistance, their economic income conditions remain the same or increase or vice versa. The descriptive research method can also be described as a procedure for solving the problem being studied by describing or depicting the condition of the subject and research object of an institution, society and others. The form of this research will also begin with the research stage as the key to the research, followed by collecting data through several stages after which the data that has been collected will be analyzed in the form of a qualitative description in the form of meaning related to the problem being studied, namely the development of people's housing infrastructure and the economic conditions of the recipient community. assistance for public housing infrastructure in the East West Coast District, Sarmi Regency. The respondents who were the subjects of this research were people in the West East Coast District who received Assistance for People's Home Infrastructure Development from 2018-2022. Based on the data obtained, it is known that all variables have an AVE value of more than 0.5, but there are several indicators that measure a variable that has an outer loading of less than 0.5 (red writing).</em></p> 2023-10-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRATEGI PENATAAN PEDAGANG PELAKU USAHA KECIL DI AREA ENTROP JAYAPURA 2024-07-10T05:05:35+00:00 Veralde Marthina Bless Harmonis Rante Dewi Ana Rusim <p><em>The uncontrolled development of street vendors makes them occupy every empty space in the city even if it is a public facility. The street vendors illegally sell almost all pedestrian paths, open spaces, green lanes and other urban spaces. The existence of street vendors has positive and negative sides, thus making the existence of street vendors a dilemma for the city government in arranging them One of the trading areas in Jayapura City that is widely occupied by street vendors is the Entrop area. This area is located between Jayapura and Abepura, so its position becomes strategic. The subjects referred to in this study are street vendors located along Jl. Kelapa Dua, Entrop, Jayapura City. The analysis method used in this study is a qualitative approach where research on data, findings and visualization in the field is carried out by prioritizing description, explanation and comparison which includes descriptive, assumptive, and normative. The street vendors operating in Entrop often occupy locations that are not actually intended for street vendors. The location used is the shoulder of the road along Jln. Kelapa Dua, Entrop Village, South Jayapura District, Jayapura City. Solutions that can be done to provide effective space and space to street vendors in Entrop, Jayapura City are regional planning by involving all regional stakeholders, relocating street vendors into the market and increasing the knowledge and participation of street vendors in waste processing.</em></p> 2023-10-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 ANALISIS PENGARUH KETIMPANGAN WILAYAH TERHADAP PEMBANGUNAN DI KABUPATEN PUNCAK PAPUA 2023-10-24T15:30:51+00:00 Rudy Mom Harmonis Rante Bernathius Julison <p><em>Inequality Interagency Development Region or area is problem development yet can abolished especially in temperate countries growing. Regency Peak Central Papua Province, has level inequality of regional development between districts up to the high villages when compared to with Other districts in Central Papua Province. Study This aim For analyze Influence level regional inequality in the district peak, prove Kuznets hypothesis, as well analyze influence variable independent of GRDP per capita, investment, agglomeration, and decentralization dummy fiscal to inequality regional development in the District Peak in period 2009 until by 2023. Study This using primary and secondary data consisting from condition data field related Development inequality between regions districts throughout the district peak, method analysis used _ For study This is analysis Qualitative and Descriptive. Research results This showing that condition inequality between regions in the district the peak is very high, so government need have a good strategy in making plans extension Long term, term short nor middle, deep handle comparison of the resulting regions No happen increasea development progress between regions in the district in general.</em></p> 2023-10-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023