Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Hidroksiapatit dari Cangkang Telur Ayam
Chicken egg shells contain of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) that can be used as the source of biomaterial manufacture, such as hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2). This objective of this research are to know characterization of hydroxyapatite synthesis result and the best method to synthesize hydroxyapatite from chicken egg shells. The synthesize of hydroxyapatite was carried out by two variation methods of direct hydrothermal precipitation, i.e. without calcination and by calcination. The synthesize process was performed with ratio Ca/P of 1,67 and temperature 130°C for 14 hours. The hydroxyapatite synthetic was characterized by FTIR and XRD. The result showed that hydroxyapatite was successfully synthesized by using two variations direct hydrothermal precipitation methods. This was indicated by the presence of hydroxyl (OH-), calcium (Ca) and phosphate (PO43-) function groups in each FTIR spectrum of the synthesized product. The FTIR spectrum was in line with the XRD diffractograms of synthetic product that showed the formation of identical main peaks with standard of hydroxyapatite diffractogram. The stucture of hydroxyapatite synthetic crystals were hexagonal. Based on the FTIR spectrum and XRD diffractogram, the best synthesize method was the direct hydrothermal prepicitation method without calcination with the additional of a 3 M Na2HPO4 solution (hydrothermal method 1). This method was better than the hydrothermal method through the PCC process.
Keywords: Chicken egg shells, hydroxyapatite, direct hydrothermal precipitation method, FTIR, XRD.
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