Uji kualitatif Fitokimia Tumbuhan Kayu Massoy (Cryptocarya Massoia Oken Kostermans) Berasal Dari Kabupaten Keerom Papua menggunakan metode ekstraksi maserasi
Yosina Rumbrawer. 2020. Uji kualitatif Fitokimia Tumbuhan Kayu Massoy (Cryptocarya Massoia Oken Kostermans) Berasal Dari Kabupaten Keerom Papua menggunakan metode ekstraksi maserasi. Thesis of Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Cenderawasih University, Jayapura.
The importance of knowing the information / data on the chemical content of a natural material, to become the basis and reference for the future research, one of them is by knowing the chemical content of the massoy bark. Massoy plants (Cryptocarya massoia Oken Kostermans) contain various secondary metabolite compounds. These compounds include lactones, massoilactones, coumarin, chalcones, pirons, flavones, and especially alkaloids. The purpose of this study was to isolate the compounds from the massoy bark, determine the extract yield, determine the phytochemical content, and identify the types of compounds contained in it. In this study, massoy bark was extracted by maceration method using ethanol solvent, then phytochemical test was carried out on the ethanol extract using the Harbone method.
Key words: massoy bark, phytochemical content, harbone method, maceration methodDownloads
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