Karakteristik Karbon Aktif Ampas Kopi dan Kemampuannya Terhadap Perbaikan Parameter Kimia Air Sumur Koya Barat


  • Muhamad Mukhlis Universitas Cenderawasih
  • Ilham Salim Universitas Cenderawasih
  • Lodwyk N Krimadi Universitas Cenderawasih




The water quality of the West Koya well according to the survey results contains a fairly high level of hardness. One of the methods used to improve well water quality is to use activated charcoal as an adsorbent. Coffee grounds are one of the wastes that have the potential to be processed into valuable products, therefore this study aims to utilize coffee grounds for the manufacture of activated charcoal as an adsorbent material in clean water treatment. This research began with the manufacture of activated charcoal from coffee grounds with a chemical activation method and physical activation variations for 3.5 hours. The performance results of activated charcoal against well water at a time variation of 3.5 hours are hardness 876 mg/L to 446.4 mg/L, pH 9.0 to 8.3, nitrate 0.16 mg/L to 0.14 mg/L, iron 0.52 mg/L to 0.11 mg/L, sulfate 35 mg/L to 25 mg/L. Functional groups were analyzed using FT-IR, crystallinity was analyzed using XRD, and the test of the application of activated charcoal as an adsorbent to well water taken in the West Koya area of Abepura I. As for the results of the characterization of activated charcoal FTIR which showed the C-H group (2920.83 cm-1), the C=C group (1590.25 cm-1), the C-O group (1160.90 cm-1) and the C=C-H bending group (760.54 cm-1). Characterization of activated charcoal from coffee grounds using XRD shows that activated charcoal has the highest peak at about 2θ = 19.69° amorphous shape characterized by irregular peaks produced. The test of the application of activated charcoal from coffee grounds as an adsorbent against well water showed the best results of activated charcoal with an activation variation 3.5 hours.


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