JURNAL BIOLOGI PAPUA https://ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JBP <p><strong>Jurnal Biologi Papua </strong>JURNAL BIOLOGI PAPUA, ISSN 2086-3314 (print) ISSN 2503-0450 (online) merupakan salah satu jurnal nasional yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Cenderawasih bekerjasama dengan Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia (PBI) Cabang Papua. Jurnal ini fokus pada ilmu biologi dan serumpun yang terbit setiap Bulan April dan Oktober. JURNAL BIOLOGI PAPUA menerima naskah-naskah terbaik dari penulis yang bersifat asli hasil penelitian maupun telaah (review).</p> Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Cenderawasih en-US JURNAL BIOLOGI PAPUA 2086-3314 Konservasi Kupu-Kupu Penting Sebagai Penyerbuk di Kampung Wisata Isyo Hills Rhepang Muaif Nimbokrang, Kabupaten Jayapura https://ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JBP/article/view/3575 <p>Butterflies are an important example of pollinating insects of the Order Lepidoptera. The presence of butterfly pollinating insects in nature is highly dependent or influenced by the availability of flowering plants visited in the ecosystem. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity and abundance of butterfly pollinator in flowering plants. A direct survey method (visual) with a radius of ± 100-250 m² was done with scan sampling technique. Parameters measured were the abundance and the species richness of butterflies visited flowering plants as well as the species richness of flowering plants visited by butterflies pollinator. The data obtained were analyzed using the the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’). The results showed that at study sites in secondary forest habitats and yards, 25 species of butterfly pollinators were found consisting of 5 families with 308 individuals. Nine species of flowering plants visited by butterfly pollinators. The <em>Jatropha</em> <em>integerrima</em> was the most visited by butterfly pollinators with 11 species, followed by <em>Hibiscus</em> <em>rosa</em>-<em>sinensis</em> and <em>Ixora</em> <em>coccinea</em> (9 species), <em>Clerodendron</em> <em>paniculatum</em> (6 species), <em>Mussaenda</em> <em>ralateensis</em> (4 species), <em>Bidens</em> <em>pilosa</em> and <em>Celosia</em> <em>argentea</em> (3 species), <em>Zinnia</em> <em>elegans</em> visited by 2 species and <em>Portulaca</em> <em>oleracea</em> visited by 1 species of butterfly pollinators. Based on the calculation, the value of Shannon-Wiener index (H') is 2.946, which indicates that the level of diversity of butterfly pollinators in the medium category.</p> <p> </p> Evie L. Warikar Euniche R.P.F. Ramandey Alexandra Waisimon Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 16 1 1 10 10.31957/jbp.3575 Analisis Fitokimia Daun Gaharu (Aquilaria microcarpa) Sebagai Produk Teh Celup Asal Keerom, Papua https://ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JBP/article/view/3363 <p>This study explores the phytochemical composition and antioxidant potential of Agarwood (<em>Aquilaria microcarpa</em>) leaves from Keerom, utilized in tea bags. Phytochemical analysis of ethanol extracts revealed flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids/triterpenoids, tannin gallate, and saponins. Total phenol content measured at 1.31 g GAE/100 grams, with total flavonoids at 210 mg QE/100 grams. The extract demonstrated robust antioxidant activity with an AAI value of 1.23, surpassing ascorbic acid (AAI value of 13.37). Mangiferin and quercetin were identified among the compounds in the leaves, highlighting their potential health benefits.</p> Supeni Sufaati Suharno Suharno Septriyanto Dirgantara Rosye H.R. Tanjung Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 16 1 11 19 10.31957/jbp.3363 Potensi Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Batang Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb) Miq.) Sebagai Antiinflamasi https://ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JBP/article/view/3362 <p>This study investigates the anti-inflammatory properties of an ethanol extract from Jabon plant stem bark in male mice using the Rat Hind Paw Edema method. Twenty-five male mice were divided into five groups: negative control (Na-CMC 1%), positive control (mefenamic acid), and three groups receiving the extract at doses of 50 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, and 200 mg/kg. Measurements were taken every 30 minutes for three hours using a plethysmometer. Analysis with one-way ANOVA and Duncan's test revealed significant anti-inflammatory effects for all doses, with the most effective being 100 mg/kg, showing 93.42% inhibition. The results suggest Jabon plant extract as a promising anti-inflammatory agent.</p> Nur F. Bakri Rusnaeni Sarce M. Sasarari Elsye Gunawan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 16 1 20 26 10.31957/jbp.3362 Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Introduced Red Devil Cichlid Amphilophus labiatus, in Lake Sentani, Indonesia https://ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JBP/article/view/3321 <p>Papua’s freshwater ecosystems in the western part of New Guinea have begun to record widespread introductions of invasive species over the past decade. This lake's most dominant and common exotic species is <em>Amphilophus labiatus</em> (Günther, 1864). A study was conducted to document the length-weight relationship and condition factor of these fish in Lake Sentani. From June to August 2019, fish were caught using floating gillnets at six locations around the lake. Total length (TL) (mm), body depth (mm), and body weight (grams) were measured, and condition factor based on gender, body weight, and body length were observed in 345 fish, including 264 males and 81 males. The growth pattern of <em>A. labiatus</em> is positively allometric, with b values ranging from 3.19 to 3. 20 and coefficients of determination (r<sup>2</sup>) ranging from 0.84 to 0.87. Although the average body length of<em> A. labiatus </em>males was shorter than females, condition factor (CF) values were not significantly different between the sexes and ranged from 0. 64 to 2.03 (0.97 ± 1.17, mean ± SD). For males, it went from 0.67 to 1.19 (0.94 ± 0.13 mean ± SD). However, monthly CF data show a significant decrease in CF in August, suggesting that spawning events occur in late July or early August. <em>A. labiatus</em> grows well and colonizes habitats throughout Lake Sentani.</p> Henderite L. Ohee Norce Mote Michael A. Rice Puguh Sujarta Suriani Surbakti Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 16 1 27 33 10.31957/jbp.3321 Analisis Status Gizi Anak Balita di Kota Jayapura https://ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JBP/article/view/3600 <p>This descriptive study investigates the nutritional status of toddlers at Tanjung Ria Health Center in 2023. It emphasizes the critical importance of proper nutrition during the toddler years, as this period significantly impacts physical, mental, and behavioral development. Factors such as environmental sanitation, parental employment, and education influence nutritional status. The study includes 471 toddlers from Tanjung Ria's Integrated Service Post program. Findings show that most toddlers exhibit normal/good nutritional status, with 51% being male and the majority aged 0-12 months. Anthropometric data reveals 77% normal weight/age, 83% normal height/age, and 79% good weight/height ratios. While most toddlers fare well, a minority exhibit poor or at-risk nutritional status.</p> Agnes S. Rahayu Hendry K. Mendrofa Elieser Elieser Astrina R.I. Sidabutar Morris GJ. Andoy Novianto Merrandan Elisa N.H. Salakay Grace F.P.H. Mahu Dais Iswanto Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 16 1 34 41 10.31957/jbp.3600 Keragaman Pepaya (Carica papaya L.) di Kotamadya Pontianak Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi https://ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JBP/article/view/2995 <p>Papaya (<em>Carica papaya</em> L.) is a plant that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. Pontianak City is one of the centers for the production of papaya cultivation, with a production of 12,593 tons in 2019. This study aims to determine the diversity and kinship of papaya in Pontianak City based on its morphological characters. The research was conducted from September to October 2021 in Pontianak City. A total of 32 individuals were sampled from six districts using the cruising method. Consanguinity was analyzed on 28 morphological characters using the UPGMA method with the NTSYS ver. 2.0. The results indicated that the 32 papaya accessions exhibited a similarity coefficient value of 0.35, which represents a 35% level of similarity. The papaya plants in Pontianak City exhibited a low level of similarity but a high level of diversity. </p> Elvi R.P. Wardoyo Vivi Oktavia Masnur Turnip Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL BIOLOGI PAPUA 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 16 1 42 50 10.31957/jbp.2995 Identifikasi Bahan dan Pembuatan Noken Tas Tradisional Serat Kayu Pada Masyarakat Lokal Kampung Rhepang Muaif, Distrik Nimbokrang Kabupaten Jayapura https://ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JBP/article/view/3558 <p>Local people in Rhepang Muaif Village, Nimbokrang District, Jayapura Regency usually use forest tree bark of three species, especially Dakwab wood, as raw material for noken, Papuan traditional woven bags. This study aimed to 1) scientifically identify the species of trees used for noken, 2) describe how to process fiber as a raw material, and 3) reveal the source of natural dyes used. Data collection was carried out using survey method, semi-structured interviews and participant observation. The result shows that in Rhepang Muaif, some species are used as raw material for noken, mainly species of Dakwab tree (<em>Grewia paniculata</em>). Dakwab fibers are generally coloured with natural dyes derived from Merei plant (<em>Bixa orellana</em>) for red colour and turmeric (<em>Curcuma domestica</em>) for yellow colour. The process of utilizing Dakwab bark as a noken fiber material starts from debarking the tree, stripping the bark, then washing, drying, and making the fiber from tree bark, later colouring if necessary and finally woving or knitting the fiber to become the bag. </p> Henderina J. Keiluhu Linus Y. Chrystomo Sarah Yuliana Ronauli Silitonga Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 16 1 51 61 10.31957/jbp.3558 Kajian Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol Kayu Secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) dan Pemanfaatannya Pada Udang Vannamei (Liptopenaeus vannamei) Segar https://ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JBP/article/view/3779 <p>Vannamei shrimp (<em>Liptopenaeus vannamei</em>) is a prominent fishery commodity due to its high consumption demand. However, susceptibility to bacterial damage and quality deterioration poses challenges. This study investigates the antibacterial potential of sappan wood extract in preserving shrimp shelf life. The research explores optimal extraction parameters, including solvent type and maceration duration, to assess yield percentage and antibacterial efficacy against <em>Escherichia coli</em>, <em>Salmonella</em> sp., and <em>Vibrio parahaemolyticus</em>. Utilizing a Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) in two phases, the study identifies 90% ethanol solvent and 6 hours maceration (P4M6) as the most effective treatment, yielding 7.32%. The extract addition significantly reduces shrimp microbial count, highlighting its potential in food preservation.</p> Eka Z. Sastiani Murhadi Murhadi Suharyono Suharyono Dewi Sartika Neti Yuliana Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 16 1 62 70 10.31957/jbp.3779 Respon Pertumbuhan dan Toleransi Kalus Talinum paniculatum terhadap Cekaman Logam Berat Krom (Cr) https://ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JBP/article/view/3590 <p>The escalating chromium (Cr) heavy metal contamination necessitates effective remediation strategies like phytoremediation. Selecting chromium-tolerant plant species is crucial for successful phytoremediation, achievable through in vitro culture to induce somaclonal variations with resistance traits. <em>Talinum paniculatum</em>, an ornamental plant with robust roots and stress resilience, is a promising candidate for chromium tolerance studies. This research assesses <em>T. paniculatum</em> callus response to chromium stress, focusing on growth and tolerance indices. Results demonstrate the callus's resilience to increasing Cr concentrations, reflected in biomass increase (0.117–0.150 g) and a high tolerance index (TI) of 77.78–100%. Structural integrity and color remained stable throughout the study period, underscoring <em>T. paniculatum</em>'s potential for chromium phytoremediation. </p> Ratih Restiani Sarah M.P. Kaban Astrid A. Sekar Josiah H. Matheos Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 16 1 71 78 10.31957/jbp.3590 Antibacterial Potential of West Kalimantan Local Bajakah (Spatholobus suberectus) Ethanol Extract Against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus https://ejournal.uncen.ac.id/index.php/JBP/article/view/3438 <p>The primary factor contributing to bacterial resistance is the overutilization of antibiotics caused by <em>Staphylococcus aureus </em>ATCC25923. The prevalence of methicillin-resistant <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> (MRSA) strains possess a significant challenge in both clinical and community environments. Consequently, there is a need to investigate alternative antibacterial sources derived from natural ingredients and local traditional medicines. One such potential source is bajakah Jie Xue Teng (<em>Spatholobus suberectus</em>). The available data on the active component composition and antibacterial efficacy of the ethanol extract derived from bajakah (<em>S. suberectus</em>) in the West Kalimantan region is currently insufficient. The objective of this study is to evaluate the phytochemical composition and antibacterial properties of the ethanol extract derived from bajakah (<em>S. suberectus</em>), a plant species indigenous to West Kalimantan. The antimicrobial activity of the extract will be tested against two bacterial strains, namely <em>S. aureus</em> and MRSA, using in vitro methods. This study employs experimental techniques and is comprised of two distinct phases. The first phase involves conducting a phytochemical test on the ethanol extract of bajakah stem, utilizing the Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) method. The second phase involves evaluating the antibacterial properties of the ethanol extract of bajakah stem against <em>S. aureus</em> and MRSA, employing the paper disc diffusion method. The research findings indicate that the bajakah ethanol extract derived from <em>S. suberectus</em>, a plant indigenous of West Kalimantan, possesses alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and steroids. The optimal antibacterial efficacy is observed at a concentration of 1,000,000 ppm, resulting in an inhibition zone diameter of 9 mm against <em>S. aureus</em> and 10 mm against MRSA. </p> Laili F. Yeni Chaerani Chaerani Nury Kamelia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 16 1 79 86 10.31957/jbp.3438