Understanding Concepts, Self Efficacy, Atomic Structure, the Periodic System of ElementsAbstract
Concept understanding is a process in which students are able to understand the information obtained, both the definition, nature and description of a concept so that they are able to construct the concept. Self efficacy is the individual's ability to organize the actions needed for certain achievements. This study aims to (1) describe students' understanding of concepts on the material atomic structure and the periodic system of elements. (2) describe students' self-efficacy on the material on atomic structure and the periodic system of elements. The type of research used in this research is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The instrument used in this study was a three-tier question and a self-efficacy questionnaire.This research was conducted at SMAN 4 Palu in class X MIPA. The results showed that the students' understanding of concepts in the atomic structure and the periodic system of elements, the average percentage of students understanding concepts was 34.35% belonging to the low category of concept understanding, 24.1% of students who did not understand the concept of low category while students who experienced a misconception of 41.35% in the sufficient category. The results of the student self-efficacy research show that students' self-efficacy is good because most of them are in the high category of 45 students (75%), sufficient category is 15 students (25%).
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