
  • Steven Y. Mantiri
  • Tatang Sutarman



Seismic hazard assessment for Jayapura Regency was developed for recurrence interval 475 years. This research was purposed to map seismic hazard region based on peak ground acceleration distribution. Probabilistic analysis method was used for this research. EQRISK computer program was used for the computation to calculate peak ground acceleration value. The result shows that peak ground acceleration interval value for Jayapura Regency for recurrence interval 475 years is 300 – 900 gal. Peak ground acceleration assessment for 475 years recurrence interval has used as earthquake design. The high-hazard level with peak ground acceleration ranging between 600 – 900 gal are including several districts i.e.: Airuh, Kaureh, Yapsi, Unurum Guay, South Gresi, Kemtuk Gresi, Nimboran, southern of East Nimboran, southern Kemtuk, dan sothern Nimbokrang. The intermediate-hazard level with peak ground acceleration ranging between 300 – 600 gal are including several districts i.e.: Demta, Yokari, Depapre, West Sentani, Waibu, Ravenirara, Sentani, East Sentani, Ebungfau, northern Kemtuk, northern Nimbokrang, dan northern of East Nimboran.


Keywords : Mapping, Earthquake Hazard, Peak Ground Acceleration, Jayapura Regency


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