Perancangan Aplikasi Tryout Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan SMP Advent Abepura


  • Mingsep Rante Sampebua Universitas Cenderawasih



Improving the quality of educational services in the junior high school, need to be developed effectively and efficiently so that to produce students who are intelligent and qualified. One way to measure the ability of third grade students was held tryout national exam. SMP Advent Abepura had a way so that each student can follow the test tryout national at school without spending a lot of costs that can burden the students. The research objective is to design a web-based application tryout so that applications can be used for training matters to students, testing the ability of the students, and as a medium of learning that can be used by students without bound at the time of study. The method used for tryout application development using the linear sequential method.   

Keywords : Application Design, Object-oriented, Sequential Linear, Exams Tryout, SMP Advent


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Author Biography

Mingsep Rante Sampebua, Universitas Cenderawasih

Sistem Informasi


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