Penerapan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Dalam Menentukan Tingkat Kerentanan Gizi Buruk Balita Di Distrik Sentani Kabupaten Jayapura
Malnutrition is a health problem that deserve the attention of the authorities at the national and international levels. As in Papua, in 2014, there are 28 patients of malnutrition, which was the highest number of cases in Distric Sentani as a capital distrcik of Jayapura and it need serious attention from the government to tackling the problem. This study is aimed to determine the vulnerability of malnutrition in every village of Sentani District by analyzing the factors of malnutrition acording to UNICEF standart using Analytical Hierarchy Process method.The process of AHP is doing the calculations to obtain the possible decision, determining the ratio of the scale by comparing the value of the alternative criteria in accordance with the chosen decision possible. These factors include nutrition, infectious diseases, parenting, food availability, sanitation, and poverty, which is known as a criterion in the AHP process and it used to determine the alternative (villages) were susceptible for malnutrition.. This method use to making decision known as DSS (Decision Support System) with prototype application to simulate a DSS application to determine the susceptibe area. The result of this study can be a Decision Support System (DSS) as an application of computer to help the stakeholders in addressing the malnutrition problem right on target by pressing the factors.
Keywords : AHP,Malnutrition, DSS, Prototype, UMLDownloads
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