Kadar Trigonelin Dalam Biji Kopi Arabika (Coffea Arabica) Asal Wamena, Kabupaten Jayawijaya , Papua


  • Septiani Mangiwa Universitas Cenderawasih
  • Yuliana R. Yabansabra Universitas Cenderawasih




Trigonelline is a one of chemical compound that have activity as antioxidant, anti cancer, anti diabetes, and estrogenic. The study of determination trigonelline in Arabica coffee beans from Wamena, Jayawijaya regency, Papua have been performed by HPLC method using C-18 column (150 mm length; 4,6 mm in diameter) as the stationary phase while mobile phase consist of metanol : buffer fosfat 10 mM pH 2,6 (30 : 70, v/v) and detector waveleght was set at 265 nm. Trigonelline content was determined in unroasted and roasted (75, 150, 2250C) coffee beans. Extraction was performed by soxhletation method using metanol as solvent during five hours. The linearity for concentrations between 100 – 200 ppm trigonelline with correlation coefisien (R­2 = 0,9761). The results showed that trigonelline content of Arabica coffee beans was different for each of temperature roasting, that is  4,70 %  for unroasted; 3,76 ; 4, 90 ; dan 3,86 %,  for roasted at 75, 150 dan 2250C, respectively. The highest trigonelline content  at 1500C.


Keywords : Trigonelline, Arabica coffee beans, temperature roasting, HPLC.


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Author Biographies

Septiani Mangiwa, Universitas Cenderawasih


Yuliana R. Yabansabra, Universitas Cenderawasih



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