Variasi Nilai Frekuensi, Akumulasi Energi dan Parameter Seismik secara Temporal di Wilayah Jayapura Periode 1965 - 2014
The research about seismic condition was developed for Jayapura region during 1965 – 2014 period. This research was purposed to determine variation of temporal frequency, energy accumulation and seismic parameter values. Seismic parameter consist of a and b values. Secondary description method was used for this research. Time window sliding and simple statistic approximation methods was used in study of the variation values. Research areas is 2o – 4oN and 139o – 141oE.
The variation of frequency, energy accumulation and seismic parameter values to interval time can describe temporal seismic condition. Earthquake frequency during 1965 – 2014 period are dominated by minor earthquake, that is 912 events or 58,91% and shallow earthquake, that is 1264 events or 81,65%. The greatest energy accumulation total in interval time 50 years given by strong earthquake, that is 3,27775 × 1015 Joule or 87,32%, whereas minor earthquake only given 7,37860 x 1012 Joule or 0,20%. The greatest average a and b values occurs in interval time 1965 – 1994, that are 6.70947 and 0.89371 and the smallest average values occurs in interval time 1995 – 2004, that are3.80569 and 0.46910. The best a and b values were calculated in interval time 1965 – 1974, 1965 – 1984 and 1965 – 1994.
Keywords : earthquake, frequency, energy accumulation, seismic parameter, JayapuraDownloads
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