The geographical position of Indonesia is located between two continents and two oceans that lie on the equator and is located between the confluence of three tectonic plates that have the potential to earthquakes and tsunamis. Analysis of the subsurface structure is done by using the gravity method. This method is based on the Earth's gravitational field variations due to differences in density between the rocks that are closely related to the structure of the subsurface geology. Data processing is done by reducing the gravity data observation until complete Bouguer anomaly values obtained in the topography. Shallow depth of field boundary anomalies (local) located at a depth of 3592 meters and a depth of field boundary anomalies in the (regional) located at a depth of three-dimensional meter.Pemodelan 36017 shows that the structure of the subsurface geology is quite complex research area contained the folding pathways and basin.Â
Keywords : Gravity anomalies, Modeling, Structural Geology.Downloads
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