Stakeholders are people and institutions that have interest and influenced by ongoing policy, especially for HIV/AIDs policy; there are several stakeholders that have roles to implemented the HIV/AIDS interventions including government, private sectors, community, NGO, and all groups that care for preventing and reducing HIV/AIDS prevalence. In Jayapura, there are local regulation number 8 2010 and number 11 2012 about HIV/AIDS preventing and intervention in Jayapura City. However, in 2013 there was 3279 HIV/AIDS prevalence, this shows that those interventions still not implement maximally. Therefore, this study aims to analyze stakeholders’ performance as key actors for HIV/AIDS intervention measured their roles, interests, and resources in order to reduce HIV/AIDS cases.
The method of tis study is qualitative study with induction approach.The population is all stakeholders of HIV programs in Jayapura City; the sample is 29 informants that come from Papua health department, non-government organizations, hospitals and HIV/AIDS patients. Samples are collected with purposive sampling technic through deep interview and focus group discussion, then data assessed with triangulation.
The study result shows that Jayapura Health Department played the biggest role where it has high interest, high sources and high power; followed by HIV/AIDS government commission (KPAD) who has high interest, moderate source, and high power. In addition, hospitals and local primary health cares have high interest, moderate source, and moderate power since they have limited financial support and don’t have power to do law enforcement. Jayapura Social Department must improve its performance since this institution has several responsibilities but in implementation they didn’t perform well with moderate interest, low source, and moderate power. All NGO have high interest for prevent HIV/AIDS but they have lack of resource such limited financial and limited logistics. In the same way, people with HIV/AIDS are have low power even they want to live longer since the problem is many of them come from vulnerable community such as sex workers and low income families; they have free test, concealing, and free medication, but sometimes they cannot afford to eat healthy food, also they don’t have power to influence the HIV/AIDS policy.
Keywords : Stakeholders, HIV/AIDS, Jayapura.Downloads
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