Pemanfaatan Layanan Pusat Kesehatan Reproduksi Kota Jayapura (Studi Kasus Manfaat dan Motivasi Informan dalam Menggunakan Layanan PKR Kota Jayapura)
Nowadays, information about reproductive health is very important. In Papua Province, this information is related to the spreading of HIV. Papua Province has Pusat Kesehatan Reproduksi (Reproduction Health Center)/PKR which is located in Jayapura City. As by its name, PKR has a main function to give information services about reproductive health. Therefore, this research will reveal the benefits, motivations and suggestions from service users, especially service user from the bar, to access PKR services. Through qualitative methods, this research gains three conclusions: (1) work things are the main reason for service users to access services from PKR; (2) medical report about current health condition be the benefits for users; (3) service users suggest that PKR should open in work hours, PKR should give them compensation for cost transportation, PKR should has more female officer to comfort woman visitor and PKR should do counseling activity more frequently.
Keywords: Reproduction Health, HIV, Information service, Jayapura, PKR
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