Persepsi Publik Terhadap Kebijakan Penutupan Lokalisasi Prostitusi Tanjung Elmo di Kabupaten Jayapura


  • Fitrine Christiane Abidjulu Universitas Cenderawasih


People of Jayapura who live in Tanjung Elmo are worried about prostitution there. The existence of Prostitution in Tanjung Elmo directly affected the people in Waena, Yoka, Puay, Ayapo, Small Asei, Kampung Harapan, Noulla, Telaga Maya and Danau Ria. Government of Jayapura Regency then took an initiative to close Prostitution at Tanjung Elmo. The policy is build upon opinion from people who live in Tanjung Elmo area, which is collected by the government in public discussions. This article will reveals the opinions and public perceptions from people in Tanjung Elmo area about the closure of Tanjung Elmo Prostitution through the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method.

Keywords: Public Perception, Prostitution, Tanjung Elmo, Jayapura Regency


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Author Biography

Fitrine Christiane Abidjulu, Universitas Cenderawasih

Prodi Kesejahteraan Sosial Universitas Cenderawasih


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