Wajah Humanis Penjara: Pembinaan Pelaku Perkosaan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Abepura
The Prison term, since the Act No. 12 Year 1995 regarding Correctional release, has been transformed to the Correctional Institution. This transformation is due to the development of the human rights paradigm. One of the fundamental transformation is the purpose of the Correctional itself: to educate and to prepare the convicts so that they can be a good and law abiding citizen. This article will look at how the penitentiary system is applied in Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Abepura Kelas II A, with case study convicted of rape. Through descriptive qualitative methods, this article tries to explain what Correctional do to make convicted of rape conform with society’s norms.
Keywords: Correctional, Convicts, Rape, Norms, Coaching
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