Pengembangan Produk Minuman Tonikum Kulit Kayu Akway (Drymis piperita): Prospek Penambah Stamina Tubuh Secara In Vivo
Akway bark (Drymis piperita) from Papua is widely used by local people in Arfak Mountains of West Papua to increase stamina. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical quality and tonic effects of Akway bark (bark tonic drink D. piperita) on mice (Mus musculus). The swimming resistance used to determine the tonic effect of mice (24 individuals) which divided into 6 groups. Group I was given water, group II tonic drink base, group III as positive control of 50 mg caffeine energy drinks, groups IV, V, and VI were given bark tonic drink 10mg /kg body weight, 30 mg/kg body weight, and 50mg /kg body weight respectively. The total period swimming until fatigue was measured and used as an index of swimming capacity. The results of  physical quality of the Akway bark tonic drink has a sweet and sour taste, with clear dark brown color, had distinctive aroma with pH of 4, and its volume was 100 ml with solubility deposits on day 21. The results of pre-clinical testing shown the highest dose was 50 mg/ weight swimming time 9.28 minutes and having better stamina. The next was with dose of 30 mg/kgBW, swimming for for 6.01 minutes and the last was dose of 10 mg /kgBW swimming for 3.23 minutes. The results of the one-way ANOVA test showed that it was significantly different between the 10 mg/kgBW, 30 mg/kgBW and 50 mg/kgBW groups.Â
Key words: drink; D. piperita tonic; effect; mice; Papua.Â
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