DOI: Kunci:
Science E-Module, Scientific approach, Learning outcomesAbstrak
This study aims to find out how to create a science e-module, develop a science e-module, the feasibility of developing a science e-module, and improve student learning outcomes by using a science e-module based on a scientific approach to the adaptation of living things to their environment. Research Methods Research and Development. The research sample was carried out in class V SD YPKP 2 Sentani with a total of 25 students. The results showed that: 1) The steps of making e-modules as teaching materials through seven components of e-modules, namely the formulation of teaching objectives, instructions for using e-modules, activity sheets, student worksheets, evaluation sheets, navigation menus and other features. interactive features. 2) The feasibility of the science module based on a scientific approach on the adaptation of living things to their environment which consists of material validation components, media validation, teacher responses from YPKP 2 Sentani Elementary School teachers, and YPKP 2 Sentani Elementary School students' responses are very good, with an average module eligibility IPA is 92.82% with a very suitable category to be used as teaching material. The increase in student learning outcomes with the n-Gain test obtained an average of 0.6 in the medium category.
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