Between Borders of Indonesia-East Timor: Social, Economic, and Security Dynamics during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Western border area between Indonesia and East Timor has become an important point of interaction between traditional communities who refer themselves as Timorese. These communities have long shared similar cultures, languages, and economic activities, thus strengthening their kinship along the border. However, the emergence of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic in 2020-2023 poses a real threat to border security of Indonesia and East Timor, particularly the traditional communities. This article aims to analyze the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic at Indonesia-East Timor’s border from a social, economic, and security perspective. Border security and sociological liberalism theory emphasizing identity will be used as frameworks to assess the dynamics. This article used descriptive qualitative methods through mostly secondary data but was supported by primary data as well. This study reveals three critical findings. Firstly, despite the closure of the borders due to the pandemic, traditional communities are still permitted to visit relatives in the neighboring country for cultural purposes only. Secondly, unemployment became a primary issue for border communities during the pandemic. Thirdly, illegal smuggling and illegal border crossers added to the complexity of security dynamics during the pandemic period.
Border security; Covid-19; Indonesia; Timor-Leste
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