Author Guidelines

Authors are required to read and adhere to the PJDIR author’s guidelines when preparing their manuscript. Submitted manuscripts that do not adhere to the guidelines or use a different format will be rejected by the editorial team before they can be reviewed. The editorial team will only accept manuscripts that comply with the specified formatting requirements. A new template has been provided and will be effective from September 2023. The authors must use this template as an accurate representation of the format expected by the editor.


1) The manuscript is typed using Microsoft Word program on A4 size, around 4,000-9,000 words (including abstract and references) in Palatino Linotype, size 11 pts, and 1.15 space.

2) From September 2023, PJDIR will only accept articles written in English. The article can be written in either American or British spelling, but the author must use it consistently throughout the text. The full-English version of PJDIR will be published from Vol 4, No 1 (2024).

3) PJDIR follows APA style guide

4) The writing system for research outcome consists of:


The title should not exceed 20 words; it should be clear, concise, and informative. Abbreviations should be avoided.

Name of the author(s)

The name of the author is written without any academic degree, followed by the name of the author’s institution/affiliation, located under the title of the article. In case the manuscript is written by a team, the editor is only in contact with the main author or the first mentioned. The main author must include his/her correspondence address or email.

Abstract with keywords

The length of the abstract is around 150-200 words, while the limit of keywords is 3-5 words. The abstract, at the least, must contain the purpose, methods, findings, and value of the manuscript.


It contains the general background to the topic, research question or hypothesis, and problem formulation. The research purposes should be written at the end of the introduction. In addition, authors should highlight the gaps in the existing literature in order to demonstrate the novelty of their work.


Choose either a literature review or theoretical framework. A literature review surveys books, scholarly articles, and any other sources relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory; and by so doing, provides a description, summary, and critical evaluation of these works in relation to the research problem being investigated. Meanwhile, the theoretical framework sheds light on the theories or models that support your research, proving that your work is grounded in established ideas. In certain circumstances, however, you can use both of them. 


Explain chronological research, including how to prepare materials research, design of the study, and research procedures. The minimum research method consists of research type, type and source of data, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. 


It contains the results and analysis done with an emphasis on the answer to the problems. (Results may also include images, charts, tables, etc., which are described in the paper). In general, total of no more than 8 figures and tables in the article. Authors should also disentangle and relate the theory/concept used in the discussion.  


The conclusion should answer the article’s objective and affirm the study findings. Do not repeat the abstract or introduction or make new arguments.


The source of financial grants and other funding must be acknowledged. The contribution of colleagues or institutions should also be acknowledged. The acknowledgement section can be included after the article has been accepted. Submission and review processes do not include an acknowledgement.


Papua Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations (PJDIR) uses the APA 7th edition (author, date) system of referencing – examples are given below (for more examples, see APA style guide). All references cited in the text of the article (books, journal articles, newspaper articles, websites, conference papers, and other materials related) should be arranged alphabetically from A to Z. The references should have been published in the last 5 (five) years. PJDIR only accepts a maximum of 3 journal articles and 5 books published more than 5 years ago. The writer(s) is highly recommended to use Mendeley, EndNotes, or any related reference manager software. All citations mentioned in the text, tables or figures must be listed in the reference list.

Presented below is a display showing how to write references in the style of journal articles, books, and websites. In your manuscript, the references should be listed alphabetically from A to Z in one order; please do not separate them. 

Journal article

Magdalena, N., & Amenes, A.A. (2021). The Implications of Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage in Taiwan. Papua Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, 1(2), 137-148. DOI: 10.31957/pjdir.v1i2.1817


Andreasen, N. C. (2001). Brave new brain: Conquering mental illness in the era of the genome. Oxford University Press.

Chapter in an edited book

Dillard, J. P. (2020). Currents in the study of persuasion. In M. B. Oliver, A. A. Raney, & J. Bryant (Eds.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (4th ed., pp. 115–129). Routledge.

Webpage on a news website

Cooper, H. (2019, June 20). What We Know About Iran Shooting Down a U.S. Drone. The New York Times.



Please add a short biography (around 50-100 words). 'About the author' can be included after the article has been accepted. Submission and review processes do not include the author's profile.

Note: Authors who have previously published an article in PJDIR are allowed to submit a new article after one (1) year from the publication of their last article. This is to provide an opportunity for other potential authors to publish their articles in PJDIR.


Footnotes should be placed at the foot of the page. They should be numbered and referred to in the text with consecutive, superscript Arabic numerals. Keep footnotes brief: they should contain only short comments tangential to the main argument of the article or to provide additional information. However, there should be no more than two footnotes in the overall article.


If the file size is too large and cannot be uploaded due to figures inserted, the author(s) should remove the figures and upload them through the supplementary files on the OJS.