Local Leadership Legal Of Etnography In Traditional Area In Papua (Legal Anthropology Perspective)


  • Frans Reumi Faculty of Law, Cenderawasih University Jl. Kamp Wolker, Waena, Jayapura, 99358, Papua - Indonesia



Kata Kunci:

Local of Etnography, Local Leadership.


The purpose of this paper describing the ethnography of the law of adat leadership in the seven indigenous territories in Tanah Papua is the perspective of legal anthropology, which is one of the ethnographic frameworks of the Papuan ethnography in particular from the cultural elements of social organizations. Ethnography of the law of traditional leadership lives in the culture and customary law of the community or ethnic group as the living law, classified into four types of ethnographic typology of customary leadership law: 1) leadership system of the man of authority/Big Man (Menagawan/Tonowi), 2) Klen Leadership System (Keondoafian/Ondofolo/Ontofro/Chaisoi, 3) Raja's leadership system (Fun / Weight), 4) Mixed leadership system (Sera/Mananwir). The nature of the four typologies is the customary government structure of the people or ethnic groups spread across seven indigenous territories: 1) La Pago, 2) Me Pago, 3) Ha Anim, 4) Tabi/Mamta, and 5) Saireri (in Papua Province), Doberay and Bomberay (in West Papua Province), as regional development capital in Papua in the future, and as a development challenge for regional governments, the world of higher education, in organizing communities or ethnic groups in Papua facing the era of globalization.


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