Effectiveness of Forestry Police in Preventing Illegal Logging Activity in North Halmahera Regency
https://doi.org/10.31957/plj.v3i2.785Kata Kunci:
Illegal Logging, Forestry PoliceAbstrak
Illegal logging activity possess the greatest threat resulting in forest destruction due to illegal use of timber forest products in various forest areas in Indonesia, including in North Halmahera Regency. Through Law No. 41 of 1999 concerning forestry, forestry police was formed with special authority covering preventive measures, administrative and repressive operation to be able to maintain the implementation of optimal forest protection. Research method used was empirical legal research. The results indicated that illegal logging activities continued to occur in North Halmahera Regency due to the lack of awareness and desire of communities in the surrounding forest to prevent forest destruction activities, weak law enforcement against those who violate the Law in the forestry sector, and the lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure in carrying out forest protection activities and forest security. The various obstacles faced by the police in the scope of North Halmahera Regional Conservation Resort include the lack of legal socialization to the community, the absence of routine, sudden, and joint patrol activities in the forest area and the loss of coordination with agencies/institutions related to forest protection and security. This condition indicated that the Forestry Police (Polhut) in the scope of North Halmahera Regional Conservation Resort has not been optimal and effective in preventing illegal logging, so that it is necessary to strengthen the role of the Forestry Police in the future, and to make various per-emptive efforts, such as socializing the dangers of illegal logging and the importance of maintaining forest areas as a support for life in the future.Unduhan
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