Kerapatan Dan Penutupan Lamun Di Perairan Desa Tayando Yamtel Kecamatan Tayando Tam Kota Tual.


  • Liyatin Gea Universitas Cenderawasih
  • Ch I Tupan Fakultas Pascassarjana Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Pattimura, Ambon



Research on the density and cover of seagrass in the waters of Tayando Yamtel Village, Tam District, Tual City, was carried out in March-May 2018, using the quadrant linear transect method. The results of the study found three species of seagrass, namely Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata and Thalassia hemprichii. The highest density values at stations I and III were Cymodocea rotundata, namely 90.598 ind/m2 and 80.02 ind/m2. The highest density value at station II was Cymodocea serrulata, which was 88.24 ind/m2. The total density of all species at each station is included in the dense category with the status of seagrass conditions in the waters of Tayando Yamtel Village at station II being in good, healthy and rich condition, while at stations I and III in less healthy and less rich conditions.


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