Analisis Hasil Tangkapan Bubu Dasar Berdasarkan Lokasi Penangkapan Ikan di Perairan Seram Bagian Barat, Maluku


  • Haruna Haruna Universitas Pattimura
  • Kedswin G. Hehanussa Jurusan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Pattimura Jl. Mr. Chr. Soplanit Kampus Poka, Ambon Maluku 97234 Indonesia
  • Lolita Tuhumena Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Cenderawasih


Kata Kunci:

Butin Pots, Fish trap, Catch rate, fisheries ecology, length at first capture


Several factors influence the number and type of fish caught in a trap,
including the size of the trap, fish activity, mobility, design, bait, soaking time,
provision of shelter, moon phase, visibility of the trap in the water material, and
type of funnel. It is important to identify problems related to trap placement so that
the productivity of fish resources can be optimal. This research aims to analyze the
composition of fish species caught, length at first capture, and differences in catch
rate of bottom traps based on different fishing locations. The research was carried
out from April to October 2023 in Talaga Nipa Hamlet, Waisala District, and West
Seram Regency using experimental fishing methods. The results of the research
showed that there were 20 species of fish caught in the waters of Sanahuni Hamlet
(Location A), with the most dominant type of fish being Pterocaesio tile, namely
31.40%. Meanwhile, in the waters of Haya Pulo Hamlet (Location B), 16 species of
fish were caught, with the most dominant species being Scarus rubroviolaceus at
22.86%. On average, caught fish such as Caesio cunning, Scarus rubroviolaceus and
Caesio caerulaurea are caught before they reach maturity. The bottom trap catch
rate in the waters of Sanahuni Hamlet (Location A) is higher than in the waters of
Haya Pulo Hamlet (Location B). Differences in the number and types of fish caught
in traps can be influenced by various factors, such as fish migration, food
abundance, oceanographic conditions, trap design and construction, depth of
operation of fishing gear, and damage to coral reefs due to destructive bomb fishing.


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