Analisis Model Propagasi Bellhop di Choke Point Selat Lombok.


  • agus tinus STTAL
  • Widodo S. Pranowo Program Studi Magister Oseanografi/Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Angkatan Laut. Jln. Ganesa. Kelapa Gading. Jakarta. Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional. Jln. M. H. Thamrin. Jakarta.
  • Purry Djati Anggara Pusat Hidrografi dan Oseanografi TNI-AL. Jln. Pantai Kuta V. Ancol. Jakarta.
  • Taufiq Supriyant Pascasarjana Universitas Pertahanan Republik Indonesia. Jln. Salemba Raya. Senen. Jakarta.


Kata Kunci:

Lombok Strait Choke Point, Maritime Security, Sonar, Bellhop Propagation Model, Shadow zone


The Lombok Strait is one of the strategic choke points frequented by heavy
maritime traffic, demanding effective maritime security assurance. To ensure this
security, careful maritime control and surveillance are necessary, especially
through the use of monitoring tools such as SONAR to detect foreign objects passing
through the Lombok Strait. This research aimed to analyze the characteristics of
underwater acoustic wave propagation patterns, particularly in the formation of
shadow zones, using the Bellhop method. Simulations of the Bellhop propagation
model were conducted using the AcTUP v2.2L Toolbox. Temperature and salinity
depth distribution data from January 01
, 2023, to December 31
, 2023 obtained
from Marine Copernicus were used in this research,. The calculation of sound
propagation velocity based on the Medwin empirical equation, with a focus on
source depths of 10, 100, 300, and 500 meters. The simulation results indicated that
the Bellhop propagation model with a frequency of 100 Hz at a source depth of 300
meters produced more shadow zones compared to other source depths. These
findings have significant implications for understanding the patterns of acoustic
wave propagation in the Lombok Strait, providing valuable insights for maritime
control and surveillance efforts in the region.


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