Analisis Kandungan Logam Berat pada Minyak Ikan Sardine (Sardinella sp.) Hasil Penepungan dari Bali


  • Kristina Haryati Universitas Cenderawasih


Kata Kunci:

heavy metals, refining, sardine or lemuru fish oil.


Sardines, or lemuru, are a group of pelagic fish that are often found in the
waters of the Bali Strait because they have potential economic and strategic value
such as a source of income for fishermen, a provider of raw materials for the
processing industry, and a source of local income. Sardine, or lemuru fish, is a
pelagic fish that has a high oil content and can be used in the processing industry.
In processing industries such as the flour industry, waste will be produced, one of
which is liquid waste such as fish oil. Fish oil, which is a by-product, can be utilized
further, but the impurity components, one of which is the heavy metal content in the
oil, must be removed first. The way to remove or reduce the concentration of heavy
metals in fish oil is through a series of purification techniques. The aim of this study
was to determine the heavy metal content in sardine or lemuru fish oil from Bali,
which has been purified first, and then compare the results of these heavy metal
tests with the results of other studies. The purification carried out was divided into
3 stages, namely degumming using water (without citric acid), neutralization using
NaOH, and bleaching using magnesol XL 5% (w/v). Crude fish oil (unrefined) and
pure fish oil are then tested for heavy metals. The results show that purifying fish
oil can reduce heavy metal content. These results are also in line with research
conducted by several previous researchers. So it can be concluded that the refining
stage can reduce the heavy metal content so that it meets the International Fish Oil
Standard (IFOS).


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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